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6 Tips to Drive More Traffic From Social Media
Anyone who's anyone knows that social media can play a big part in engaging with your prospects. But with great responsibility comes a whole load of challenges.
It's not always as simple as queuing up a few tweets or making a TikTok dance. Especially with the number of global social media users expected to hit 2.5 billion this year, the pressure to up your social media game is on.
Well, with its ever growing digital presence, social media is one of the fastest ways to build brand recognition, generate authority around your business, and ultimately grow your bottom line.
So how do you get started?
We've got 6 simple and effective tips to help you do just that!

Optimise your profile
First things first, it’s time to get your house in order.
Much like your website, when your prospective customers are looking to understand more about your business, they’ll quickly turn to your social media profiles.
As a result, each of your online profiles should quickly communicate what your business has to offer and your brand value. Adding a little link to your website here won’t hurt either, as social media now drives 31% of all website referrals.
But don’t make the mistake of writing your entire business story in your bio. Nobody really cares for your incorporation date or office space.
The more succinct your profiles are, the more likely you are to catch the attention of your ideal audience.
Generate social proof
If you’re using social media to drive your customer to your website, you want to show off a bit of credibility. Using social proof you can enhance your site’s value.
What is it? Social proof is just like any other review or testimonial, it reaffirms that you’re a real person behind a real business.
The key to this is that whenever a prospect is thinking about making a purchase from you, they want to see reviews and recommendations from people just like them. You know, just to make sure.
So by adding testimonials, feedback and customer spotlights to your social media content, you’re showcasing how well your business actually works. This is particularly important for B2B content, as nobody wants to make a business decision on a whim.
Consider timing
There’s no point in putting your social content out there if nobody is going to see it!
When posting on social media, it’s best to take into consideration when your target audience is most active. The likelihood is they’re not going to see your Facebook video at 3pm when they’re busy with work themselves.
As part of your social media strategy, you can use free tools like Followerwonk to get a better understanding of when your audience is most active. In doing so, you can tweak your posts and posting schedules accordingly.
Promote your own content
The good thing about social media is that you already have a catalogue of content sitting in your website. Whether it’s details on your products or your blog posts, you can drive traffic to them through your social profiles.
Obviously you don’t want content overkill by posting your own articles 6 times a day, but it’s definitely worth promoting your favorite posts to boost their visibility. You can publish little snippets or teasers on social media along with a link to the actual article. This will tempt your prospects into browsing your website and hopefully having a snoop around.
You don’t have to stick to all your real-time articles either. If you have a backdated pile of content you can push out, do it! As long as it’s still relevant of course.
A bit of repurposing can go a long way. Previously made some YouTube videos? Write them up as a blog. Old blog post? Make a new infographic! The possibilities are endless.
Use more visuals
It’s a well known fact that social media users respond to visuals better than text-only/ text-heavy content.
This is because when we’re perusing our phones, we’re looking for something that catches our attention easily and with little effort from us. So images, infographics, videos and slide decks will always work well.
Why? Because the visual aspect allows our brain to develop an emotional connection to it and subsequently trigger a strong reaction.
Live videos have been shown to bring even better interactions.
How about hosting a live Q&A session? This could look like a standard live format or ask the audience to submit questions in advance to ensure you’re prepared.
Try creating video webinars or similar presentations and design them to convert viewers to your website too.
Stay in touch
Once you’ve got your content out there, it’s important to keep it up.
You should be making a conscious effort to reply to every comment you receive across your social posts.
Not only does it make your audience feel loved (aw), it’s a great opportunity to plug another link to your website.
In doing so, you can also become a brand differentiator. It doesn’t matter if your competitors splurge more on their marketing budget or have consistently high-reaching content, if you’re responsive, you’ll start to build genuine relationships.
And there’s nothing more important to business than trust. Especially when you consider only 11% of consumers ever receive a reply from a brand!
You can back this up with your Customer Service team too so you can quickly respond to queries (or complaints). Your customer’s experience is not only important to them, but your brand too.
It provides proof to potential customers on how your company would treat them if they made the plunge.