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7 Rules To Convert Your Blog Into Profits
Most bloggers will tell you they do it for the love of writing. But let’s be honest, everyone likes to know that other people read and enjoy their work. And if you’re blogging for a business, being able to measure the ROI is absolutely critical. This is especially true now content marketing is so popular and your blog is just one of millions.
Here are seven top tips to help transform your blogging into revenue….

1. Know your audience Your visitors are real people with real needs. Get to know who they are and what they want, then give it to them. If you don’t write for a specific audience, your output will be vague and pointless. No-one wants to read a filler post you wrote just because you needed to write something, but didn’t stop to think if anyone would actually find it useful.
2. Don’t waffle Many new writers think they have to write long posts, including as many fancy words as possible. But that just wastes the reader’s time and makes it harder for them to understand what you mean.
Smart writers keep their blog posts exactly as long as they need to be, and no longer. A short post is a benefit to the reader if you’ve packed it full of useful information. Smart writers also keep their language simple so can be easily understood. Simple doesn’t mean boring – you should write interesting, engaging copy that’s also easy to read.
3. Be personable Many blogs work best with a personal touch – even when you’re writing for a business. Let your visitors see you’re a real person. Let them know about your experiences and opinions. Build rapport, and let them know they can contact you if they want to.
4. Choose a catchy title Your prospects see hundreds of messages every day, all competing for their limited attention. Your blog post’s title has to catch their eye. Make it relevant and interesting, but don’t resort to ‘clickbait’ by over-promising what the reader will get. As good as it is, your guide to effective business blogging probably isn’t going to change the reader’s life forever, and bring them to tears of joy. Well, maybe this post will, but I won’t go as far as promising it.
5. Encourage further engagement Once they’re on your blog, give them more to get excited about! End each post with a clear, simple call to action; ‘sign up for this’, ‘download that…’ The important thing is to (responsibly) collect their contact details so you can stay in touch in the future as part of your marketing efforts if they’d like you to.
6. Create enticing bait I warned about clickbait above, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tease your audience a little. When you share your posts via social media or in a newsletter, don’t give too much away. Offer just enough to whet their appetite. And if they want the cherry, make them click for it!
7. Visitor-level tracking Visitor-level tracking is an essential tool for any modern-day blogger. CANDDi’s software shows you who came to your website, who behaved like a prospect and who didn’t. That’s essential for gauging the performance of your blog posts and their potential ROI. After all, if your blogging is creating prospects, you want to know them, right?
Once CANDDi has shown you your warmest prospects, it’s time to follow up. If they came back twice to your products page, send them an exclusive voucher. If they keep returning to your team page, send an email to say ‘hi’ on a personal level. If they loaded and abandoned a cart, check in to see if you can help with the purchase. CANDDi allows you to identify the warmest prospects on an individual level and personalise your follow-up to suit their needs.
There you have it. Follow these seven simple rules to help see your blogging convert to pound signs sooner than you know it!