Blog and News > insightanalytics > Insight Analytics Part 1 - How Old Data Enriches New Enquiries
Insight Analytics Part 1 - How Old Data Enriches New Enquiries
Eat your own dog food. It's an unpleasant phrase encapsulating valuable advice. How can we sell our product to you if we're not actively using it ourselves? Well we do use CANDDi. We use it every day. And that's how we know its power.

“Eat your own dog food.” It’s an unpleasant phrase encapsulating valuable advice. How can we sell our product to you if we’re not actively using it ourselves?
Well we do use CANDDi. We use it every day. And that’s how we know its power.
In this series of blog posts we’ll be giving real life examples from the CANDDi sales and marketing team of how they have used CANDDi Insights to deliver real sales value. In the future we will bring in examples from outside the company too - from partners and customers making innovative use of the platform. The point is the same: to show how CANDDi quickly and practically delivers ROI to everyone using it.
Let’s start with a simple example.
A prospect - let’s call her Debbie - sees one of our tweets that grabs her attention.
She clicks through to the blog. And then she browses around our website for a while.
Two months later she comes back. She has saved the URL as a bookmark, so in Google Analytics terms this looks like a ‘direct’ visit.
Debbie doesn’t browse around this time. She spends a few seconds on the home page, and jumps to product.
Then she makes an enquiry.
The enquiry comes through the forms built into our content management system (we use the excellent PyroCMS). They don’t look much different to the ones you probably get today.
Great. I have an enquiry! But this doesn’t tell me much. I know they are interested. But interested in what?
In the background CANDDi has been working its magic. When Debbie filled out the form CANDDi captured all the fields she filled out and appended them to the record it kept of her visit two months ago. Compare the email enquiry, to what I get from CANDDi:
I know who Debbie works for and I can click through to her LinkedIn profile. I can see that it is a medium-sized firm of accountants. Scrolling through her activities I can see she has been checking out our white paper on sales for accountancy firms. I know that she looked at both our lowest and and our medium pricing plan. And that what originally caught her attention was a blog post about measuring the value of marketing activity.
Now when I pick up the phone I can have a smart conversation with Debbie. I may not reveal everything I know up front - that can be a bit spooky - but I have eliminated half the questions I might have to ask and I can focus on the benefits for her specific needs.
Needless to say, Debbie bought CANDDi and she is now a happy customer.
Here’s what another happy customer said about this aspect of CANDDi Insights:
“CANDDi is an invaluable tool for inbound marketers. Our sales team has perked up considerably since we installed it, and as an account manager I no longer take shots in the dark when getting in touch with existing clients for upsells. I already know what they’re interested in before I even start to talk to them…“
Rachael, EngagingNetworks