Company background
Linked2Success provides LinkedIn and social media training to businesses looking to build their customer and prospect engagement through social channels.
Founder Steve Phillip and his team work with a broad mix of companies to identify their overall objectives and routes to market, devise social strategies that will achieve their goals and train their teams as to how to effectively use social channels and tools.
Founder Steve Phillip and his team work with a broad mix of companies to identify their overall objectives and routes to market, devise social strategies that will achieve their goals and train their teams as to how to effectively use social channels and tools.
The Issue/Challenge Faced
The Linked2Success team first became aware of the CANDDi platform through a recommendation from one of its own clients who had recently started using the tool. They were immediately impressed with the level of detail that CANDDi provides on visitor traffic and the low level of financial investment and commitment needed to begin using it.
As a business with its roots firmly in social media, engagement and lead generation, Linked2Success recognized that CANDDi can combine profile data, presenting it in an accessible and user friendly format that can then be acted upon to engage with customers and prospects.
CANDDi for Linked2Success
Linked2Success began using CANDDi in November 2014. The team has quickly gotten to grips with how to use the system and has made good use of the integration of CANDDi within email marketing campaigns, which now identify when recipients click through and what they do on the company’s website once they have landed on it.
The CANDDi solution also provides historical data once a visitor has been identified, tying back previous activity that occurred prior to the prospect having a full profile.
The CANDDi solution also provides historical data once a visitor has been identified, tying back previous activity that occurred prior to the prospect having a full profile.
Because the prospect’s interests and behaviours are tracked, the Linked2Success team can tailor their sales approaches accordingly, offering compelling information and advice that will resonate with their contact.
The email alert format works well and action from the sales team is prompted when repeat visitors are on the website.
The email alert format works well and action from the sales team is prompted when repeat visitors are on the website.
The Benefits
Steve Phillip says…“There have been a number of instances when I have sent a proposal out and I can see that the person at that business has visited our website. So I know that they are at the consideration and decision making stage. It means that I can assess when we are front of mind and decide if I need to take further action at that point. It’s incredibly useful.”The Linked2Success team have been able to discover greater detail about who is visiting their website: where they come from - be it their business name and geography - if they were prompted to visit from a specific call to action such as an email, and what they do once they are on the website.
The team cites CANDDi’s simple, yet detailed user interface as one of its key benefits as click-throughs to additional information such as contacts’ LinkedIn profiles provide rich and useful insight that enables a personalized approach.
Linked2Success’s confidence in CANDDi is evidenced by the fact that they now include CANDDi as part of their overall product offer to clients.
“Visually it works very well and I really enjoy features like the map that shows where a visitor has come from. The dashboard layout presents contacts in a much more user friendly format than a data sheet. CANDDI offers a much deeper level of intelligence than the system that we used previously.”
Steve Phillip says…
“There have been a number of instances when I have sent a proposal out and I can see that the person at that business has visited our website. So I know that they are at the consideration and decision making stage. It means that I can assess when we are front of mind and decide if I need to take further action at that point. It’s incredibly useful.”
The Linked2Success team have been able to discover greater detail about who is visiting their website: where they come from - be it their business name and geography - if they were prompted to visit from a specific call to action such as an email, and what they do once they are on the website.
The team cites CANDDi’s simple, yet detailed user interface as one of its key benefits as click-throughs to additional information such as contacts’ LinkedIn profiles provide rich and useful insight that enables a personalized approach.
Linked2Success’s confidence in CANDDi is evidenced by the fact that they now include CANDDi as part of their overall product offer to clients.
The team cites CANDDi’s simple, yet detailed user interface as one of its key benefits as click-throughs to additional information such as contacts’ LinkedIn profiles provide rich and useful insight that enables a personalized approach.
Linked2Success’s confidence in CANDDi is evidenced by the fact that they now include CANDDi as part of their overall product offer to clients.
“Visually it works very well and I really enjoy features like the map that shows where a visitor has come from. The dashboard layout presents contacts in a much more user friendly format than a data sheet. CANDDI offers a much deeper level of intelligence than the system that we used previously.”