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Enhance Your Digital Strategy With the Best Website Tracking Tools

Published 13 Aug 2024 by Tim Langley, CANDDi
Read this in about 10 minutes

If you've been wondering how to make your website work harder for you, the answer lies in using the right website tracking tools. These tools are like secret weapons that can help you understand your visitors better and make smarter decisions for your business.

Think of website tracking tools as a special pair of glasses. When you put them on, you can see things about your website that you couldn't see before. You'll learn who's visiting your site, what they're doing there, and what makes them stay or leave. This information is gold for improving your digital strategy.

In this article, you'll discover why website tracking is so important and how it can benefit your business. By the end, you'll have a clear idea of how to get more from your website visitors and boost your online success.

Enhance Your Digital Strategy With the Best Website Tracking Tools

What Are Website Tracking Tools?

Website analysis tools work behind the scenes, collecting important information about your visitors without bothering them. When you use tracking tools, you can learn a lot about the people who come to your site. You’ll find out things like:

  • Where they came from (like Google or Facebook)

  • What pages they look at the most

  • How long they stay on your site

  • What they click on

  • If they buy something or sign up for your newsletter

This information is super helpful because it tells you what’s working on your site and what isn’t. For example, if lots of people leave your site quickly, you might need to make your pages more interesting. Or if many visitors are coming from Instagram, you might want to focus more on that platform.

There are different types of tracking tools, and each one can show you special things about your visitors. Some tools create heat maps, which are colorful pictures that show where people click the most on your pages. Others can record how visitors move their mouse, so you can see what catches their eye.

Benefits of Using Website Tracking Tools

Using these tools can give you a big advantage in the online world. Here are some of the main benefits you’ll enjoy when you start tracking your website visitors as part of your digital strategy.

Enhanced User Experience

With website tracking tools, you can make your site feel more personal for each visitor. Imagine if your favorite store remembered what you liked and always showed you the best stuff first. That’s what these tools help you do online. You can change what people see based on their past visits or what they’re interested in.

For example, if someone often reads your blog posts about dogs, you can show them more dog-related content when they come back. This makes their visit more enjoyable and useful.

You can also spot if visitors are having trouble finding things on your site. If lots of people are searching for the same thing, you might want to make it easier to find.

By understanding how people use your site, you can fix any confusing parts and make everything smoother. This means visitors will have a better time on your site, stay longer, and are more likely to come back. Happy visitors often turn into loyal customers, which is great for your business.

Increased Conversion Rates

Tracking tools can help you turn more visitors into customers, which is called increasing your conversion rates. You’ll see exactly where people decide to buy something or sign up for your service, and where they might change their minds.

With this info, you can make small changes that make a big difference. For example, if you notice people often leave when they reach your checkout page, you can try making it simpler or adding trust badges to make people feel safer about buying.

You can also test different versions of your pages to see which one works better. This is called A/B testing. You might try two different headlines or button colors and see which one gets more people to take action. Over time, these small improvements can add up to a lot more sales or sign-ups for your business.

Effective Marketing Campaigns

Website tracking tools can also supercharge your marketing efforts. They show you which of your campaigns are bringing in the most visitors and which ones are actually leading to sales or sign-ups. This means you can spend your money wisely on the ads and promotions that really work.

You’ll be able to see if people who come from your email newsletter stay longer on your site than those who click on your social media posts. Or you might find out that a certain ad is great at bringing in visitors, but they’re not buying anything. With this knowledge, you can tweak your messages or try different approaches to get better results.

These tools also let you create special groups of visitors based on their behavior. For example, you could make a group of people who added items to their cart but didn’t buy.

Then, you can send them a special offer to encourage them to come back and finish their purchase. This kind of targeted marketing often leads to more sales without having to spend a lot more money.

Criteria for Choosing the Best Website Tracking Software

With so many website tracking tools out there, it can be tricky to know which one is right for you. To make the best choice, you’ll need to consider a few important factors. Let’s look at what you should keep in mind when picking a tracking tool for your website.

Ease of Use

When choosing a website tracking tool, you want one that’s easy to understand and use. Look for tools with a clear, simple dashboard that shows you the most important information right away. You shouldn’t need to be a tech expert to figure out how it works.

Good tracking tools come with helpful guides and videos that teach you how to use them. They should also have customer support in case you get stuck or have questions. Some tools even offer live chat, so you can get help quickly when you need it.

Remember, the easier the tool is to use, the more likely you are to actually use it regularly.

Integration Capabilities

When picking a tracking tool, you want one that plays well with others. This means it should be able to connect easily with other tools and software you’re already using. For example, if you use an email marketing service, your tracking tool should be able to share data with it.

Look for tools that offer what’s called an API. This is like a special language that lets different software talk to each other. With an API, you can connect your tracking tool to things like your customer service system or your online store.

Cost and Scalability

It’s important to think about your budget and how your needs might change as your business grows. Some tools offer free plans to start, which can be great if you’re just beginning. But these free plans might not have all the features you want as your website gets bigger.

Look at the different pricing plans each tool offers. Some charge based on how many visitors your site gets, while others charge for extra features. Think about what you need now and what you might need in the future. It’s a good idea to choose a tool that can grow with you.

Also, check if there are any hidden costs. Some tools might charge extra for things like customer support or training. Make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting for your money.

Top Website Tracking Tools to Enhance Your Digital Strategy

Now that you know what to look for in a tracking tool, let’s explore some of the best options available. These tools have proven themselves useful for many businesses, big and small. Each one has its own strengths, so you can find the one that fits your needs best.


CANDDi is a powerful website tracking tool that goes beyond just showing you numbers. It helps you see who’s actually visiting your site, not just which companies they’re from. This means you can reach out to real people who are interested in what you offer.

With CANDDi, you’ll get alerts when important things happen on your site. For example, if someone who visited before comes back to look at your products again, you’ll know right away. This lets you contact them at just the right time, when they’re most likely to buy.

One of the best things about CANDDi is how it turns your website visitors into leads for your business. It works with your marketing efforts to find warm leads and sends them straight to your sales team. This means you can turn more of your website traffic into actual customers.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is free to use, which makes it great if you’re just starting out. This tool shows you a ton of information about your visitors, like where they come from and what they do on your site.

One cool thing about Google Analytics is that it can tell you which of your pages are the most popular. You’ll see how long people stay on each page and if they click on links. This helps you figure out what content your visitors like best.

Google Analytics also lets you set goals for your website. For example, you can track how many people fill out a form or buy a product. It will show you if you’re meeting these goals and help you understand why or why not. Plus, because it’s made by Google, it works really well with other Google tools you might be using.


Hotjar shows you exactly how people move around and click on your website. One of its coolest features is heatmaps, which are colorful pictures that show where people click the most on your pages.

With Hotjar, you can watch recordings of real visitors using your site. It’s like looking over their shoulder as they browse. This helps you spot any problems they might have, like if they can’t find a button or get confused by something.

Another great thing about Hotjar is that it lets you ask visitors questions directly on your site. You can create quick surveys to find out what people think or why they’re leaving without buying. This feedback is super valuable for making your site better. Hotjar works well for both small and big websites, and you can start with a free plan to try it out.

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg shows you exactly where people are clicking and how far they’re scrolling down your pages. This tool is great if you want to make your website design better and easier to use.

Crazy Egg also has a “confetti” view that shows you clicks by different types of visitors. For example, you can see if people coming from Facebook click on different things than people coming from Google. This helps you understand how different groups of visitors use your site.

Crazy Egg also lets you easily test different versions of your web pages. You can create a new version of a page and see if it works better than the old one. This is called A/B testing, and it’s a great way to improve your site bit by bit. Plus, Crazy Egg is pretty easy to set up, so you can start learning about your visitors quickly.

Maximize the Value of Your Website Data

Each tool has its own special features, so you can pick the one that fits your needs best. Remember, the key is to start using these tools and learn from the data they provide.

While all these tracking tools can be useful, CANDDi stands out for its ability to show you the real people visiting your site. This can be super helpful if you want to connect with potential customers directly.

If you’re curious about how CANDDi can work for your business, why not give it a try? You can book a demo to see it in action or start a free trial to test it out yourself.

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