Blog and News > canddi > March 2020: The worst time to start a new job
March 2020: The worst time to start a new job
Hi! I’m Jasmine, and just last month I joined the Customer Care team.
What terrible timing!

It all started in September.
That’s only six little months ago, but the world was a very different place. The sun was shining, British people flocked to beer gardens and the biggest topic of conversation was Brexit.
Those were the days.
I made the decision to change my life. It started off with small things; I swapped my spectacles for contact lenses and got a sassy new hairstyle… but that wasn’t enough. So I waved goodbye to my boyfriend, handed in my notice and told my family I was moving to Manchester.
One month ago, I stepped off the train at Piccadilly with nothing but a couple of suitcases, high hopes and enthusiasm for life. I got an apartment, I got an exciting new job and most importantly I was in a massive city full of fun to be had.
Today the sun is shining, the skies are blue and birds fly freely past my office window. I’ve had some really good meetings with the CANDDi team and it’s getting closer to the weekend. Yay! By ‘office window’, of course, I mean my bedroom window. By ‘team meetings’ I mean group video chat and as for the weekend… I look forward to my state-sanctioned 45 minutes of outdoor exercise in complete solitude.
This whole isolation thing has definitely been weird. But we haven’t really been working in isolation… just separately!
Thanks to plenty of video calls (some of which were even work-related) I’ve managed to keep my sanity on my journey to become a CANDDi master.
And as a team, we’re more productive than ever! It’s been exciting launching our first ever free trial, and we’ve still managed to set some time aside for a company-wide social call once a day.
I look forward to the future where socialising and after-work drinks are no longer forbidden. Where those aerial hoop and pole fitness classes I paid for can actually be redeemed.
And where I can finally check out some of the after-work drinking spots my colleagues are always talking about.
If like me you want to learn more about CANDDi, why not follow my blog series to see what hints and tricks I find along the way.