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My Work Experience at CANDDi
I’m Maddy, I’m currently in Year 10 at Levenshulme High School and I’ve recently finished a week’s work experience at CANDDi. When we were all told we would be doing work experience, I thought it would be boring and that I’d hate it, but I loved every single second of it and would love to do it again.

It was definitely hard work though, I built 15 chairs, 5 tables, organised the storage cupboard, and updated the company’s Fixed Asset Register - this involved cross referencing the existing spreadsheet and labelling any new equipment. Although some of it was difficult and things I’d never done before, I wanted to work hard and enjoyed being part of the CANDDi team.
I have learnt a lot in my week at CANDDi. I’ve learnt that I need to work hard, and if I don’t do my bit on time, it stops someone else completing their work because we are all linked, we are a team. Tim, the CEO, had a meeting with me and said that I need to be more responsible. He said that the more responsible I am, the more responsibility I will get - and this is what I want.
I have not always worked my hardest at school, but I’ve learnt that I need to do my best in everything I do in order to get the best experience out of life. Although it was hard work, I absolutely loved my week at CANDDi and can’t wait to see if I can go back in the holidays!
P.S. I would like to thank Dan and Tom for all their help (they made me write that!)