Blog and News > canddi > Start Up Baby Diaries - Part 1
Start Up Baby Diaries - Part 1
As some of you may know, I've recently had baby number two. Sophia was born on 4th September, a week late, weighing in at a mahoosive 10lbs and 12oz! Apart from being perpetually exhausted, and my flat being a complete pink mess at the moment, all is going great.

You probably also know that CANDDi is a bit of a quirky company, and things can be quite unconventional at times. A lot of you were quite surprised at the fact I was still working past my due date, my colleagues especially :) I’m taking 6 months off for maternity leave… but I’m starting to realise I have to come good on my promise to Tim that I would help train some new staff… starting from the 1st October!
I thought it would be fun to document how things are going… as I’m unsure how possible it’s going to be, as the little one is going to be with me too. So I’ve got a sling, we’ve got a room where she can be fed, an office rocker / swing, plenty of nappies, and Tim has said he can hold the baby and code at the same time if required.
If any of you have attempted this, or have any advice please let us know! Otherwise stay tuned for the next update…