Blog and News > canddi > Streamlining your CANDDi Streams
Streamlining your CANDDi Streams
Sorting the data within CANDDi is a brilliant way of segmenting data, organising it, and separating out exactly what you want to see. But when you’ve got millions of streams, it’s really difficult to keep on top of them all.

A perfect way of streamlining your streams, is by creating Groups. This is a feature requested by most of our CANDDi ‘Power Users’ and we’re very excited to tell you about it, you’re going to love it!
You can create stream Groups for pretty much anything but here are some ideas that you may find useful, you may want to number the Groups so you can keep the important Groups at the top…
Having a Group for the different types of Prospects you have - you’ll be able to organise and keep on top of when Prospects are back on and hot. A Group containing all the ‘Assigned to’ streams your sales people are working on - you can keep track of each sales person’s activity. Email Campaign Groups - all of your email campaign streams can live in there, so you’ll still be able to keep all your email streams but they’re filed away neatly. Daily Stream Group - if you’ve got a few Daily Streams you’re working on everyday, you might want to keep these together so you don’t forget to go through each morning.
Here are a couple of FAQs relating to Stream Groups