Blog and News > canddi > We've moved, and you're invited to the CANDDi Office Warming Party!
We've moved, and you're invited to the CANDDi Office Warming Party!
What are you doing on Tuesday 22nd September 2015? Coming to the CANDDi Office Warming Party? Yay!!!

After a year being developed in the Langley household, one year in Middlesbrough, and 4 years in services offices in Manchester - CANDDi has finally found a place to call home! From what I hear from the original founders (you best be there, Tom Cheesewright & Fred Abrard!) the early years were just as crazy and amazing as the 2 years I’ve been here and we are super excited to invite you to our Office Warming Party!!
We’re expecting a bunch of people who have joined us on the ride as such friends, investors, colleagues, clients, and prospects too.
We’d love for you to be there, and don’t worry about child care arrangements as your little ones are welcome too. If you are planning on coming, let me know and we’ll make sure we’ve got a drink ready for you!
PS: I’ll be bringing my new baby