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Digital Marketing Show 2014
After a fantastic experience last year, CANDDi are returning to the Digital Marketing Show at the ExCeL in London on 19th - 20th November 2014 and would love to catch up with customers and prospects alike.

For those of you that didn’t attend last year’s show or, if you just don’t yet know what the Digital Marketing Show is, it’s a two-day event attracting over 10,000 visitors with a view to offering deep insights and solutions on how the digital world can help deliver marketing objectives.
Attendees to the 2013 show crossed the whole spectrum of marketing professionals from digital content managers looking to hone their skills to old-school telemarketers looking to gain exposure to digital marketing channels and included senior representatives from Orange, American Express and Amazon, to name but a few.
Our team will be holding down the fort at stand A20 so come down and say hello, whether you’re an existing customer, a friend or if you want to find out for yourself just how CANDDi can help you make the most out of your online presence. We’ve got the best sweets in the show so come down and say hi.
On 11am, 20th November, Tim Langley (CEO) will be presending in the Integrated Theatre on the topic of “Want to see who’s on your website - five tips to make more revenue from your existing traffic”. We’re really excited about this at CANDDi HQ and we hope that you’ll come and join the conversation at what looks set to be one of the networking events of the year.