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Customer Testimonials - Important For Your Business?
With so much choice out there, it sometimes gets difficult to distinguish the right company or product for your needs (try typing “website analytic tools” into Google and you will see what I mean). Businesses are becoming more aware of their social presence and the importance of great feedback.

With so much choice out there, it sometimes gets difficult to distinguish the right company or product for your needs (try typing “website analytic tools” into Google and you will see what I mean). Businesses are becoming more aware of their social presence and the importance of great feedback.
And what is the use of fantastic feedback from your customer base if you are not going to share it with others? Here are a few reasons why we believe that including testimonials on your website is very profitable for your business.
Value to business:
Customer testimonials add a value to a business. It transforms the ‘idea’ of a product to real tangible results. In a competitive field, potential customers want to know they won’t be wasting their time and money on a product that doesn’t work and by including successful case studies, you will be able to encourage the prospects to believe that they wont be wasting either.
Credibility and relationships:
Building relationships with potential customers over the internet can sometimes be difficult, especially for a SaaS company. Businesses can appear cold and impersonal, with pages that explain the product’s uses but no life behind them. Testimonials are a quick way of building that rapport, proving credibility and sparking a relationship between the company and the prospect.
Loyalty and trust from previous customers:
If a customer is willing to put their name and company to your product then something must be right. In an age where personal details are worth gold, nothing screams, “You can trust us, our product does what we said it can do”, than a personal testimonial from a third party. This presents an image of trust and loyalty from a businesses customer base.
Learning tool:
This is not just a marketing tool, by encouraging customers to leave testimonials, businesses can keep on top of customer reviews and achieve a reactive approach to their customer service.
To avoid losing value and legitimacy and create meaningful testimonials, they must be:
Genuine: Sounds obvious but for a testimonial to be believable, it has to be real. Prospective customers need to believe that these accounts are authentic and weren’t written by a copywriter with no customer participation. Tip: Include pictures of the customers, customer names and details of the company.
Measureable: Nothing shouts success rates more than hard facts and what better place than to include them in your customer testimonials. By how much did your product help improve conversion rates over 3 months of use? Or let people know, that by using your product, they will be able to save £X amount. It makes results more tangible for your prospect and becomes relatable.
Specific: Get into the nitty gritty of the whys, whats, whens and hows of your customers experience with your company. Forget vague testimonials such as “CANDDi is great tool to use”, as it provides little value to prospects. Instead, ask your customers to provide a specific reason why your business has been key in their success.
Effective testimonials tell prospective customers what they will get if they pick your company and why they should choose your business for their specific needs.
Hope this helps and if you are a CANDDi customer, we are always interested in your experience using our product. Get in touch!