Blog and News > lead > Importance Of Lead Capture For Small Business
Importance Of Lead Capture For Small Business
It is great creating interesting content that drives in traffic and engages your customer base but it is important to capture this data when it comes in. These leads will be your sales and with an effective capture system on your website, you will be able to build a database of potential customers. Marketing will be happy because there will be tangible results and Sales will be happy because they will have warm(er) leads.

Sales are dependent on leads no matter what industry they are in. This is why having a data capture system in place is so important in driving business forward and a must to be included in a business’ marketing strategy. In this blog, I’ll show you how to capture leads using CANDDi so you can achieve results for minimal effort and cost!
Before I go on to explain what ways CANDDi tools can be used to capture data, I wanted to show you an example of the amount of data we can gather from visitors.
Here is a profile of a visitor:
####How to Capture Leads using CANDDi.
####CANDDi Capture
We have explained CANDDi Capture in previous posts. It is a pop up question box where CANDDi users can set it to ask relevant questions to gather data. Some use it to capture geographical location, language, product interest or event promotion. The more the visitor interacts, the more information is stored on their individual profiles and this can then be used in specific targeted marketing.
####Content Driven Interaction
Blogs are a fantastic way of driving traffic to your site. Not only do they help support your SEO but they give people a reason to visit. If you have visitors that keep returning to read the blog then you have an opportunity to sign them up for the latest blog post notifications and emails. CANDDi stores the visitor email information and this data can then be exported as a CSV file into any email platform including Forefront and MailChimp. This is also the case for newsletter sign ups.
####Brochure Downloads
Visitors that are interested in more information on a specific product or service will be keen to download a brochure. Why not set it up that in order to download the brochure, they first need to fill in their name and contact details? Not only will this filter out visitors that are not that serious about buying but that quality data can then be fed directly to your sales team using CANDDi streams. The appropriate sales person will receive a notification with visitors profile including contact details and customer journey. They can then continue to nurture that sale, armed with rich data.
The people that interact with the above tools are opting into giving their information because they are interested in something you are offering. This makes them likely customers. Once these tools are in place, you can go on to do lead nurturing including targetted email campaigns, relevant news updates and inviting offers. All of which can be monitored via CANDDi.