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The Do’s And Don’ts On How To Get People Talking About Your Business
We thought we would take a look at the ways startup's can get more exposure and look at the example of businesses that didn't quite get it right.

###Do’s and Don’ts
####Do: spend time on your blog. Content, content, content. From increasing your SEO ranking to increasing brand awareness, blogging plays a key part in your marketing strategy. Ensure blogs are consistent and rich of content with the right balance between product based information, lifestyle and industry news as well as brand information.
####Don’t: forget to share. Blogs can also be used as a networking tool. Sharing content with other blog sites, relevant forums and industry websites is a great way of getting coverage as well as immersing yourself in the industry. Members of the CANDDi team regularly submits blog pieces to other sites and enjoy hosting guest bloggers that our customers would be interested in.
####Do: use social media to interact with your audience. Remain responsive and dont be afraid to speak to them. Successful companies have used social media as a direct line to their audience, asking them for feedback, replying to questions, encouraging success stories and sharing tips and tricks.
####…But Don’t: Use social media if you are angry A good example of this is when Michelin Star Chef, Claude Bosi, took to Twitter to vent his frustration at the poor rating received by James Isherwood on a travel site. The less than satisfactory three-out-of-five stars prompted a tirade of abuse via the social media site. Critics and fans were astounded by Bosi’s behaviour and sided with Isherwood, many stating that they would be staying away from Bosi’s restaurants in the future.
####Do: use PPC Campaigns. It is important to budget in PPC campaigns into your marketing strategy. Very simply put, it places the right product in front of the right customer. It is an easy to manage form of advertising where you can see your results and ensure investment spent is valuable and effective.
####Do: attend network opportunities. One of the best things about working for a startup is attending industry events and speaking to people that have achieved results. A great way to build connections and establish your brand is using these events as opportunities to meet new people. These contacts could turn into potential customers or allies.
Visit our blog on How to Stand out from the crowd
####Most importantly:
####Provide a good product with great customer service.