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5 Ways Someone Would Use CANDDi… In The Automotive Industry.
Automotive businesses are always looking for ways to convert website leads into sales just like in their dealer showroom but are faced with the dilemma of the unknown visitor and the dreaded cold call. CANDDi provides the answer.

To set the scene, the customer walks in with the intention of browsing, skims their eyes over a couple of models. Bang, out comes the slick salesman who does the quick once over, sells the dream of the perfect model and finds out the ideal price point. After providing a healthy offer, the customer leaves lighter of pocket, in a brand new model adorned with all the bells and whistles and free air freshener thrown in. What CANDDi allows you to do is bring the power back into the salesman’s hand by removing the ‘unknown visitor’ and building that one to one relationship back into the sales process.
5 Ways a Automotive Dealer Can Use CANDDi:
1. Geographical Marketing.
CANDDi allows you to segregate your customer base into geographical location which can then be used in a targeted CANDDi Capture campaign. Simply put- businesses can ask specific groups, relevant questions. For example, asking all the Birmingham website visitors if they are attending the next event at the NEC? Or all of your London website visitors if they would like to book a test ride at the North London showroom? Details including the most appropriate sales office and contact information can also be added. This focused approach is more likely to catch the visitors attention and in turn increase customer interaction.
2. Hot Leads.
Businesses can use downloads as another form of gathering data and setting up hot lead alerts. For example, if a visitor downloads a specific product brochure, they would be asked to enter their information including, name, email, contact number, country, model of current vehicle. This information can then go into a filtered stream, where you can identify what branch holds that model, set up an email alert and get on the phone!
3. Find Out What’s In Their Wallet.
Wouldn’t it be helpful to know the customer’s budget before picking up the phone? CANDDi can’t provide a crystal ball but we can use the finance information on the website to store more data and build a customer profile. Most dealers will host a finance calculator on their site, CANDDi can build the data based on how many times the customer has visited that page, what data they entered each time and the length of contract they were most interested in. By removing the deterrent of an unknown budget, sales teams can approach with a sensible offer and package knowing that (and this is the best bit!) the customer designed that ideal package themselves.
4. More Than Just An Upsell.
Use the aftermarket accessories list to gain more of an idea of who your customer is and what they are looking for. Whether your customer would rather low suspension or high seat, the soft luggage or a hard pannier system, upgraded generator or restricted plug in etc. Not only does this provide more information on your customer and their preferences, it also allows dealers to have a card in the back pocket, something they can ‘include in the deal’.
5. And For Your Existing Customers.
CANDDi remembers your converted sales and can set up triggers for when they return to view the latest spares kits or possible part exchange options. Set up alerts for when the customer comes back or when they are due for their renewal to catch them before they start looking somewhere else.
And I’ll Throw In This One: Email Integration.
Canddi integrates with any existing email platform and makes it easy for businesses to export the data from different streams. Businesses can then export the customer data straight into email platform and send out relevant campaigns based on the visitor’s preferences (location, model, interests).
If you want to learn more about how CANDDi can support your business then get in touch with our CANDDi team for a FREE demo
Alice Flook
Who, what, when, now.