Blog and News > trends > Would You Ignore A Prospect Who Walked Into Your Shop?
Would You Ignore A Prospect Who Walked Into Your Shop?
Seems a simple enough question. And for most of us, the answer should be pretty simple. Yet even in this age of enhanced interaction and increased competition, many of us still regularly experience terrible prospect service.

Seems a simple enough question.
And for most of us, the answer should be pretty simple.
Yet even in this age of enhanced interaction and increased competition, many of us still regularly experience terrible prospect service.
We all know how it feels to be ignored when trying to make a buying decision.
We’re at the last hurdle and simply need to know whether it ‘comes in blue’ or if it can be ‘delivered before Tuesday’ and we’d be happy to make the purchase there and then.
But instead, we’re ignored.
Which makes us start thinking that we probably don’t want it that much anyway before putting it back on the shelf.
Imagine the percentage of sales that break down at that stage.
Sales that would have easily reached a purchase if the customer was shown just a little attention.
On the flip side, think of the last time you received superb service…
Most of us know how great it feels to receive quality service. You can probably recall at least one scenario when receiving excellent service was the real clincher to you making the purchase.
Dealing with somebody we like who is politely keen to deliver us excellent service and make us feel valued can sometimes be the only factor to buying.
Research shows that customers will happily and knowingly pay more to deal with somebody they feel understands them and values them.
Even when going through typical ‘3-quote’ research cycle, a customer who comes across a prospective supplier they like and deem as placing higher value on their business will almost invariably return to that same supplier to do the deal or even offer a ‘last-refusal’.
Because people love to feel valued.
Yet, with all this in mind it amazes the marketing world that some businesses still choose to only engage with prospects when prospects choose to engage with them.
It’s like that guy at the trade show who pretends he’s busy as prospects go walking by.
Contently ignoring golden opportunities whilst they float off to the attention of their competitors.
As though it could somehow be offensive to reach out to a prospect and show them you care.
I mean, which prospect wouldn’t love to hear their business is valued?
Because deep down, every prospect prefers to deal with somebody they know understands them and appreciates their business.
And this is exactly why web visitor analytics tools have become so popular.
Because identifying who is coming to your website and behaving like a prospect, and then respectfully reaching out to those prospects to show them you value their business - is the fastest and most cost-efficient way of adding 20% to your bottom line.
And with a ground-breaking visitor level tracking tool like CANDDi being able to show you the opt-in individuals that are most interested in your products or services, it is no wonder that so many businesses are working smarter to reach out to their warmest prospects and show they care.
Because effective sales and marketing is not just about knowing what to do.
It’s about also knowing when & where to do it.
Are you still ignoring the prospects coming to your website?
Get in touch on +44 161 414 1080 or fill out the form on the right hand side to book a free demonstration and see how you can reach out to your warmest prospects to show them you care.
Paul Clarke
+44 161 414 1080